IMPORTANT DAS Arrival & Dismissal Procedures

IMPORTANT DAS Arrival & Dismissal Procedures

by Jessica Lykon -
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Dear DAS Families, 

We hope you are enjoying your last weekend before our first day of school on Monday! To ensure a smooth start, it's crucial that everyone is familiar with our arrival and dismissal procedures. Please read the KEY items below.


  • Cars are only allowed to enter the school from the west entrance. If coming from Belcher Rd, you will turn in at the first entrance. If coming from US-19 or S. Haven, you will pass the exit and turn into the entrance on the west side of the property.

Walking to/from School

  • Families are not allowed to park in the nearby area to drop off/pick up their child. The only walkers/bikers must live within 2 miles of our school.

  • If your child will be walking/biking home from school by themselves, we MUST have a permission form on file. You can find said form here and your child can turn it in to the front office on the first day of school. Students will NOT be dismissed to walk home if we do not have this signed form returned and approved.

  • View drop off and pick up times here.
  • Middle school cars that arrive on campus earlier than 3:05 will be asked to continue through the carline and circle back around. Please do not arrive before 3:05.
  • Elementary cars that arrive after 3:05 may be stuck behind middle school cars and will have to wait through the middle school carline.

Dropping Off Medications/Forms

  • Please do not try to park and come into the office during morning arrival (7:30 - 8:30 am). Since our campus is brand-new to ALL of our students, we will have all teachers and staff helping with carline and helping students get to their classrooms. We are not able to have an influx of parents in the front office checking in medication, dropping off paperwork, or other needs during morning arrival on the first day of school.

  • If you have missing forms, please email me and we will update them before Monday.

  • If you still need to drop off medication, please plan to return to the school and visit the front office after 9:00 am.


  • If you have students that are siblings/carpooling in both elementary and middle school, you do not need to sign up for before or after care.

  • In the morning, middle school siblings can be dropped off during elementary carline and will wait in the cafeteria until 8:00. In the afternoon, elementary siblings will wait in the cafeteria where their middle school sibling will pick them up during middle school carline.


  • If you are not able to connect your child to your account in PikMyKid, it is OKAY. A staff member will be outside checking you in when you arrive for dismissal. All we need is to see the PikMyKid car tag that you received at orientation. If you weren’t able to make it, you will give the staff member your child's name and they will still be able to check you in. 

  • We will send PikMyKid Parent Connection QR codes when we are able to, but it is not necessary to have the app set up.

Before/After Care Families: You will be receiving a separate email tomorrow with details on your drop off and pick up procedures.

Our staff will be working hard to ensure a safe and efficient process for everyone. Safety is our top priority. We ask for your patience and understanding as we all adjust to our new campus. Let’s work together to make this a fantastic first day for the entire DAS family!